24 February 2009

For the love of all that's...

Yeah... You know - I made a "resolution" to be more diligent in my blogging... I still am horrible. Sorry. That's just how it is.. You'll be lucky to get an update once a month. I have no clue how people blog more than once a week - let alone once a day. I salute them. Seriously. It takes some serious diligence and dedication to accomplish that. I'm sitting in the back of the Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum. Talk about interesting - and we're only halfway through today's session. Earlier today we heard from Dr. David Kohl who is a Professor Emeritus at Virginia Tech. One of the thing he talked about was the past century of Super Cycles. Later today or tomorrow I'll get the audio uploaded so you can hear what he was talking about. He showed the correlation between the major wars and the effect on our economy.

The picture of the slide to the right illustrate the correlation he was talking about. I hope you're able to see its details.
We just finished hearing from Murray Wise with the Westchester Group. Wise touched on some of the crop land issues as well as to what growers in the US are doing correctly. In all the negativity going on in the ins and outs of our daily lives - it was a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong - Wise didn't sugar coat anythings. Things are a mess... and we know this. But he gave a different view - one that almost resembles a glimpse of hope. Psst... I'll post that audio, too. :-)
We just started our next session with Aaron Hager. He's a weed scientist at the University of Illinois. Actually - one of my favorite people to talk about on one of the topics most interesting to me. He just started talking about the difference or similarities of Weed Control vs. Weed Management. Using Illinois as an example - Hager says Illinois corn farmers have relied on a combination of tactics to control weeds. From tillage, soil-applied, POST herbicides, etc.
Did you know weed interference begins to reduce corn yields long before it effects soybean yields? Yikes! We're learning lots of new things today. Hager says it depends on the crop, the weather conditions, the year and the weed.
Here's an interesting face.. of 877 people polled if glyphosate resistance weeds will change the way we manage our weeds... 91% of people said yes.
So yes - it's been very interesting and I'm excited about tomorrow, too. Another great lineup is in store -and I could quite possibly keep continue to be impressed.
I promise - I'll get the audio posted as soon as I can.
Until next time..

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