17 October 2008

Harvest Tour

Mike and I are on the road today. 1st Farm Credit Services Harvest Tour - today we're in Varna at Farmer's Grain Co-op. You often times hear me talk about how much I love this time of year. I think there are several reasons for it...

First - you see the reward for a very hard years work. Yes, the Spring and Fall are the busy times, but it takes a lot of planning to get through those times of year. From selection of seed, chemical application and creating a marketing strategy to allow for a profitable operation. Another thing I love is how it takes so many people coming together to do it all. It's never just one person that does it all. It takes all kinds to make it work.

When you see the drivers - you know they are part of a support staff or family. The women bringing lunches in the field. The people that drive the semi's, the tractors and even the transport vehicles. Sometimes they don't get enough credit. Everyone has to sacrifice something. Long days and nights, stressful months and sometimes nights where you don't get to kiss the kids good night. But you never hear anyone complain.

Then there are the people who work at the elevator. The managers, the girls in the office and the guys outside working with the grain. Everyone is always helpful, kind and generally have a smile on their face. They are a very important part of the harvest season, too.

Today we get to give back a little and recognize all the people that make harvest as easy as possible. For all their hard work, their patience and dedication. So - we're serving lunch and doing my show from 11AM to 1PM. Stop by and see us!

Thanks to 1st Farm Credit for sponsoring our Harvest Tour and thanks to all of the friends we've made along the way. Mike and I always enjoy getting to know you and all your visits. We truly do enjoy it. I suppose I should go - because we just arrived in Varna.


Meghan "The Ag Chick"

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