My mom and I generally spend our Saturday's running errands. We always start with breakfast. It's become our little tradition (as long as I'm not traveling over a weekend) we head to breakfast on Saturday morning and then run our errands for the week. It's a nice way to spend some quality time with my momma. Especially since I don't get to see her too often during the week. Yesterday - we started our morning with a trip to Lewistown. See, two of our County Farm Bureau's put on a Farmer Share of the Food Dollar Breakfast. We started at Fulton County Farm Bureau and decided to work our way back. This is how we were greeted when we pulled into the Farm Bureau Building:

I think it's a great visual for the fact that we think about constantly. Back to the breakfast.. They were serving eggs, sausage gravy & biscuits, bacon, toast and pancakes. Total cost for two people: $1.18. Yep. Out of all of those items that were served the farmer only receives $.59. It's jaw dropping to say the least. The breakfasts are always well publicized and brings a lot of attention to the consumer about the food they purchase. After all, if we're not telling our story who will? Well.. I'm sure plenty of folks out there want to tell our story - it's just not the correct version. So our morning continued.. we headed back to Peoria for the Peoria County Farm Bureau's Farmer Share of the Dollar Breakfast. We met Courtney and her parents there for breakfast. A little more expensive in Peoria.. but a modest $.60 for (2) Pancakes, (2) 2 oz whole hog sausage patties, (2) scrambled eggs, OJ and Milk. It was mighty tasty, too. But around 9am I heard rumblings that they had already served well over 800 people and the line was all the way out the door.
I think the breakfasts' allowed for a few things... People to get an awesome meal for a great deal and for folks involved in agriculture to use an avenue that we all love (food) to educate consumers about the pathway their food takes. Education comes from many different forms.

How did you celebrate National Ag Day? Whether it was simply purchasing groceries at the store. Buying dinner. Eating a steak (we'll address the Michigan Governor in another post...). Or rocking your awesome WTF shirt. It doesn't matter. Take pride in your tie to agriculture. Remember - if you eat you're involved.
So, take a minute.. Tell a farmer "Thanks". Listen to their story. Because that field to the fork trip is an amazing story... And one that should be told correctly. I love hearing it. I love watching it being told. Especially when it's told by the people that provide the food for us.
Happy National Ag Day. From our field... to your fork.