We were talking this morning about how everyone resolves to lose weight for the coming year... I pose the question - does that set us up for failure? Do we hold our sights too high and then become discouraged and quit? I wonder if reverse psychology would work.. What if we vowed to eat crappier foods... Would that result in us eating healthier... I doubt it. But - I think we could be more successful if we made conservative goals for the next year. For example - I resolve to eat at better times and healthier meals. My schedule doesn't always allow for those things to happen - so I will do my best.
My biggest goal for 2009 - Become more patient. Learn to bite my tongue instead of be quick to respond. I think sometimes people get the wrong impression of me. I like to be correct. Sometimes that comes off abrasive. But, I really am a nice girl, I promise!
2008 Has been an incredible year... Professionally - I have been able to travel to great places and learn new things. I have witness first hand "The Tale of Two Cities" if you will... From record high commodity and oil prices - to a market that has turned a complete 180. High input costs, bad weather and a challenging planting, growing and harvest season. But yet - what did we see? Still - a phenomenal harvest. It is a testament to how successful and how amazing the Agriculture Industry is. As 2008 comes to a close - I am thankful for the opportunity to really enjoy what I do - the opportunity to connect with some really amazing people and the ability to continue my education.
This year has been a roller coaster of emotions personally. I lost two very dear members of my family. My Uncle Ducky this past summer and my Aunt Elise a few weeks ago. Not to mention I nearly lost one of my cousins this summer. It was Father's Day when I was on the phone with my dad and I overheard my mom talking to Aunt Diane. It was a day that the rest of us will never forget. Kristina was in a car accident and was being Life Flighted to OSF. That week following Kristina's accident was incredible for so many reasons. I saw the true strength and meaning of the word family. My aunt and my mom's faith was so incredible. Their actions and faith truly proved their power of prayer (not to mention everyone who prayed
Things have slowed down a little bit around the Holidays - but January, February and March are filling up so quickly. Which leads to my final "resolution" for 2009. To not forget to stop and smell the roses. Life is too short.
In closing - I'll leave you with my favorite Irish Blessing...
....“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”
Until next year...
Here's wishing you a Happy and Prosperous 2009.... God Bless.